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HTTP - HTTPS in vb.net

If Not Request.IsSecureConnection Then

Dim redirectUrl As String = Request.Url.ToString().Replace("http:", "https:")

Response.Redirect("URL", True)

End If

easy cut and paste code for redirecting http to https

MS-Word Trick

Open Microsoft Word and type


and then HIT ENTER....

or what was it you just typed right now?

Dracula's Lament

Dracula's Lament

It's getting kind of hard to believe things are going to better.
I've been drowning too long to believe that the tide's going to turn.
And I've been living too hard to believe things are going to get easier now.
I'm still trying to shake off the pain from the lessons I've learned.
And if I see Van Helsing I swear to the Lord I will slay him. AH-HAH-HAH-HAH!
He'd take it from me, but I swear I won't let it be so. AH-HAH-HAH-HAH!
Blood will run down his face when he is decapitated. AH!
His head on my mantle is how I will let this one know: how much I love you.




I can't.

Song Taken From the Movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall
one of my favorite movies
other soundtrack is cool such as:
Inside of you - infant sorrow
A’ohe like me ‘oe - cover for "nothing compares 2U"

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LOGO Remix

Logo remiz
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what if the brands that we know
is this logos

taken form:makeusof.com

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